I want to sell makeup!!!!
My sister-in-law, Sheila Robino is selling makeup. Limelight by Alcone. She is primarily posting videos online. Now usually, I am super annoyed by Facebook sales. Yes, I looking directly at you Rodan & Fields. But Sheila's videos make me happy. I love watching her talk about her home and put on makeup. And she's good at it. Because now i want some new makeup desperately. But it's $36 for just the foundation.... but for $169 you can have it all!!! All of it, well not really all, but tons of lipsticks, and blush and skincare.
The Catch - you have to sell it.
It's only $169. But is it? The engineer in me loves a good math problem, so I had to figure out what it's really going to cost me. Watch my video to see my brain argue with itself - to sell or not to sell?
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