Before and After - Limelight by Alcone - One Drop Wonder and Sotoks

This is an interim review of Limelight by Alcone One Drop Wonder (Pomifera oil / Hedge Balls) and Sotoks. I do not sell Limelight by Alcone. I purchased these products form my sister-in-law. I could not find an honest review anywhere about these products. Limelight by Alcone Beauty Guides are not allowed to say anything negative about the company or the products. Since the company is rather new and not too well known, there just simply are not enough reviews. So I decided to test out the products on myself. I'm not a makeup artist or beauty guru or influencer. I'm just a regular person with sensitive skin and rosacea.

So, I have been using these products two times a day for a week now. I applied the One Drop Wonder to the right side of my face and neck and chest. And I applied Sotoks to the left side. 

My mind is weak to the power of suggestion. I would swear to you, that there is a difference. I really think the neck wrinkles are improving with the One Drop Wonder, and I think the blemishes are improving with Sotoks. Rosacea seems to be exactly the same. I love how the products feel. They don't have horrible odors; they don't sting; they don't make my face more red. No bad side effects. 

But the proof is in the pictures. After one week, there is absolutely no difference. I look exactly the same. In fact I look a bit greasier from these serums.

Check it out... You can see each and every flaw is identical. I'm going to keep going because one week is not really long enough. So I'll post results again soon.

Before and After one week of use

To see the 3 week results of my testing, you can view this blog here.

To see a view of my final opinion on One Drop Wonder and Sotoks, check out this youtube video.

Follow my blog or my YouTube Channel for more skincare and makeup reviews of Limelight by Alcone products and Rosacea skin care ideas.

Yes, You Can Wash your Longchamp in the Washing Machine

Okay, I'm not going to lie, I was very worried. But the bag had seen its best days and without a wash it would never make it outside again.  The front had a giant water mark on it from a spot treating experiment gone wrong. And the bottom was filthy. Since spot treating didn't work for me, I had no choice.  It had to go into the washer.

So I did the unthinkable. I sprayed my bag down with Oxyclean, rubbed some powder on it, and tossed it into the washer inside a laundry bag.  I threw in about a cup of Oxyclean and some bed sheets. Loaded it up with Tide, set the washer to delicate, and pressed start. Then I held my breath.   Well actually, I went online to order some makeup. Suddenly I realized I couldn't hear the machine anymore. So I ran upstairs to see what had transpired.

And you know what....

It's better than ever.   One small black dot didn't come out, but the rest is perfect.