Eternal quest for ash blonde highlights

Yesterday I woke up determined to get my hair done right.   It's been nearly 20 years since it happened.  Back in the 90's I had this fabulous hairdressser John who always nailed it.   But I don't live in Connecticut anymore and I don't know what happened to John.  But I still want ash blonde hair.

I have cool skin and do not want brassy yellow hair.  No matter who does it or how much I pay, I wind up with brassy hair.  But the end of the two to three hours of the appointment, I am always disappointed but cannot manage to ever say, "Why is my hair yellow?  I carefully explained to you that I did not want yellow."   I don't say anything.

Ignore the red face from my attempt to fix my wonky brows
This morning I went to a new hair dresser.  Mandy quit doing hair last Spring, so I have been floating around trying new people.   Mandy didn't get it right either, but she was familiar, so I stayed with her for 1.5 years until she quit.   This morning I met Hannah, young and beautiful, with perfect ash blond highlights.  Once again, I requested ash blond hair, just like hers.  Now I knew this would be a problem, because my last coloring was a fiasco, leaving me with splotchy gold and rust hair.  But we discussed it, pulled out samples and decided on the perfect color.

I got yellow hair.  Of course.

I was pleasantly happy anyway.  She curled the ends and it looked much better than before, but still yellow.   Then I picked up my kids and Tascha said, "How come you are so happy, you didn't get the color you wanted?"    She was right.   fucking yellow hair.  I then continued complaining all the way to the dentist.  While waiting, I played around with Perfect365 and "photoshopped" a picture of me with ash blonde highlights.  Nick says it looks like I have gray hair.
The highlights of my dreams....
Maybe he's right.  Ash blonde is sort of gray.  And now that I'm 44, that's not far away.  I think I need to embrace my yellow hair.  Well at least until my next appointment in June.

This is what I will look with gray.  I will rock it.  But I can wait.

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