How We Potty Trained our Dog - Check out this Helpful Tracking Chart

So we got a puppy. After years of traveling and saying we don't have time for a dog, we realized that now, right now, we have time and most importantly we needed a dog. We are a family of five stubborn people, who each had an opinion on what dog would complete us.
Finally we met Korra, we all fell for her hard. She has been with us four months now.

Housebreaking and training a dog with three teenagers has been such a remarkable experience. I'm actually so happy we waited so we could do this together. Now to the point of this post. We created this training log that made an incredible difference in how we potty trained her and how we shared responsibility. So I wanted to share it with you.

This is it.  We marked it with #1 (pee), #2(poo), Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, or Walk.  We are crate training, so basically the dog was with someone all day long or in the crate. This chart helped keep track of when she was last out, or if she had eaten or needed a walk.  Soon a pattern emerged, so we knew exactly what to expect and when. Hope this is helpful:)

Here's a video where I explain how we used the chart.

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